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Glasgow Prestwick Airport

Adres firmy
Aviation House
Informacje kontaktowe
Tel.: 0871 223 0700

Opis / profil firmy

Many people will remember the airport for Elvis’ Glasgow Prestwick Airport visit in 1960 or as the transatlantic gateway from the 1960’s to 1980’s. In physical terms, Prestwick is Scotland's largest commercial airfield, although in passenger traffic terms it is in fourth place after Glasgow International Airport, Edinburgh Airport and Aberdeen Airport

Glasgow Prestwick International is located north of the town of Prestwick in South Ayrshire and is within easy reach of both Glasgow and Edinburgh. The principal access is via the M77/A77 from Glasgow and the A71/A77 from Edinburgh, diverting onto the A79 for the access road to the airport. Glasgow is a 30-minute drive from the airport while the average journey from Edinburgh takes around 90 minutes.

The last ten years has seen unprecedented growth in passenger traffic driven by the budget airlines, and in particular Ryanair. In 2006, Prestwick handled over 3 million passengers.

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