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Exeter International Airport

Adres firmy
Exeter Airport
Devon, EX5 2BD
Informacje kontaktowe
Tel.: 01392 367 433

Opis / profil firmy

Exeter Airport has been one of the greatest for passenger growth in the UK during the past few years, and is about to be substantially redeveloped with new terminal facilities, new aircraft stands and increased terminal capacity. It is anticipated that a new departures building will be constructed by 2010.

To reach Exeter Airport from the South West: exit M5 at J29 & follow the A30 Eastbound. Exit at the Airport junction & follow the B3184 to the airport. From the North: exit M5 at J29 & follow the A30 Eastbound. Exit at the Airport junction & follow the B3184 to the airport and from the East: from Honiton follow A30 for 10 miles to Clyst Honiton, exit at Airport junction onto the B3184 which leads to the airport

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