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Nottingham East Midlands Airport

Adres firmy
Castle Donington
Derby, DE74 2SA
Informacje kontaktowe
Tel.: 0871 919 9000

Opis / profil firmy

Nottingham East Midlands Airport is near Castle Donington in Leicestershire. It lies between the cities of Derby, Leicester and Nottingham: which are all within a 30 mile radius of the airfield.

From the M1 motorway take junction 23 or 24. If you are travelling on the M42, continue on this road until it eventually turns into the A42 and then follow the airport signs. The airport is clearly signposted from both of these points.

Nottingham East Midlands Airport has become a hub for the "no frills" airlines easyJet, bmibaby and Ryanair, and operates a range of domestic and European short haul destinations.

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