2023-11-13 22:11:05, Behemot1 napisał(a):
Status mam na dowód który stracił ważność w tamtym roku.
A jak to jest ze statusem i powrotem do UK?
Status musi byc na waznym dokumencie.
Jak juz wybierzesz nowy paszport to musisz zmienic na “ich” stonie.
Mnie bardziej interesuje jak przedstawia sie sytuacja teraz na dzien dzisiejszy. Czy status wazny z niewaznym dokumentem, czy nie.
Czy STASUS “przepadl”, stracil waznosc, czy nie.
Ja nie wiem, ale chcialabym wiedziec.
Jak wiesz to napisz.
Ciekawa jestem.
Co wyjdzie jak sprawdzisz?
A moze ktos inny wie?
“Your (pre-) settled status remains valid even if it is linked to an expired passport. If you decide to renew your passport, then you are advised to update your passport or identity card details on the EU Settlement Scheme website to ensure your current ID is linked to your status.”
Nie przepada doczytalam.
A tu pomocne….
“Who has a UKVI account
You’ll have a UK Visas and Immigration account if you’ve ever:
applied to the EU Settlement Scheme
used the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app to prove your identity when applying for a visa
created one when applying for a visa (you’ll have received a UKVI account confirmation email)
There’s a different way to update your details if you do not have a UKVI account.
Why your details need to be up to date
Your details must be up to date so that you can:
view and prove your rights to others, for example employers or landlords
be contacted by UKVI, for example if you’re waiting for a decision or to have documents returned
travel with your current identity document
If you do not have the correct identity document in your UKVI account, you may be delayed at the border when entering the UK.
Update your UKVI account details
Sign into your UKVI account to update your details.”
Z gov.
[ Ostatnio edytowany przez: Maat17 13-11-2023 23:48 ]