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Post #1 Ocena: 0

2017-05-27 21:04:38 (7 lat temu)


Posty: 2733


Z nami od: 18-12-2008

Skąd: Coventry, West Midlands

Kolejny artykuł na temat naczelnego brytyjskiego komucha, czyli w skrócie:
- blokowanie ustaw, które mogłyby udupić ludzi związanych z terroryzmem
- związki z lewackimi ugrupowaniami partyzanckimi na całym świecie
- wykazywanie zrozumienia dla terrorystów typu Hezbollah i Hamas
- o dziwo, nawet powiązania z IRA (szok... q...!)
Idiota stwiedził, że ostatniemu zamachowi można byłoby zapobiec, gdyby w policji służyło więcej ludzi. Odpowiedź jest jasna, że policja już dawno otrzymała od ludzi donosy (w sumie 5), że ten Arab miał powiązania z organizacjami terrorystycznymi i miała go na oku. Nawet co bardziej normalni muzułmanie, z którymi się szwędał, na niego donieśli. Problem w tym, że brytyjska policja i służby specjalne mają związane jaja i nic nie mogą zrobić, bo partia tego komucha blokuje zbyt ostre, w jej mniemaniu, ustawy antyterrorystyczne.
Jest za mało pieniędzy i ludzi, by nadzorować 3000 czubków na liście MI5? Zorganizować coś w stylu Guantanamo i zamknąć ich tam. Ale cóż... komuch i jego partia tego nie chcą.
Poczytajcie ten artytuł z linka powyżej. Będziecie trochę zszokowani. Może niektórym odejdzie pomysł "głosowania taktycznego", by Torysi nie zdobyli za dużo miejsc w parlamencie. LD też bronią the Human Rights Act.

Corbyn to taka angielska wersja naszego lewackiego kolegi, który został stąd zbanowany.

[ Ostatnio edytowany przez: ChrisCov 27-05-2017 21:28 ]

A very unrealistic man who thinks his ass is like wine - the older the better

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Post #2 Ocena: 0

2017-05-28 02:28:46 (7 lat temu)


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Konto usunięte

Widze Chris ze powielasz szablon konserwatystow- nie podaja zadnych szczegolow co do swoich obietnic tylko spedzaja caly czas na mowieniu co im sie nie podoba u innych partii.

Ile dlugu zaciagneli konserwatysci pomimo zmniejszenia budzetu dla policji, edukacji, zdrowiea, etc?

Tyle mowili o zmniejszeniu emigracji a jakie zrobili postepy w tej sprawie?

Wydaje sie ze sami konserwatysci nie wiedza z kim sie zgadzaja...

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Post #3 Ocena: 0

2017-05-30 17:35:36 (7 lat temu)


Posty: 2733


Z nami od: 18-12-2008

Skąd: Coventry, West Midlands


2017-05-28 02:28:46, Adacymru napisał(a):
Widze Chris ze powielasz szablon konserwatystow- nie podaja zadnych szczegolow co do swoich obietnic tylko spedzaja caly czas na mowieniu co im sie nie podoba u innych partii.

Here we go again.
Wszystko zaczęło się podczas kryzysu, gdy rządziła PP. Zostawili oni deficyt budżetowy w wysokości 11% PKB, a podczas rządów Konserwatystów spadł on do 3%. Widać to na tym wykresie:Klik


2017-05-28 02:28:46, Adacymru napisał(a):
Ile dlugu zaciagneli konserwatysci pomimo zmniejszenia budzetu dla policji, edukacji, zdrowiea, etc?

A ile długu zaciągneli Laburzyści w latach 2002-2010? Na 2011 też chyba budżet uchalali. Nie wiem... W latach 2004-2010 Wielka Brytania miała jeden z największych wzrostów gospodarczych na zachodzie UE i wtedy należało robić oszczędności, by mieć pieniądze na gorsze czasy, które przyszły w roku 2009. Tymczasem wciąż jechaliśmy na 2,5-3,0% deficycie. Keynesian economy.

2017-05-28 02:28:46, Adacymru napisał(a):
Tyle mowili o zmniejszeniu emigracji a jakie zrobili postepy w tej sprawie?

Zrobili referendum na temat członkostwa w UE, na które Laburzyści nie chcieli się zgodzić. Wyjdziemy z UE, to imigracja znacznie się zmniejszy.

2017-05-28 02:28:46, Adacymru napisał(a):
Wydaje sie ze sami konserwatysci nie wiedza z kim sie zgadzaja...

Za to Laburzyści wiedzą to doskonale.
Przykład 1:
Corbyn się przyznał, że brał udział w ceremonii złożenia wieńca na grobie terrorysty, który zabił izraelskich sportowców na olimpiadzie w Monachium. Gdybym tego nie przeczytał, to bym nie uwierzył, że ktoś może być tak pusty umysłowo.

JEZZA'S 'DISTURBING BEHAVIOUR' Jeremy Corbyn admits attending wreath-laying ceremony for Palestinian terrorist Jewish groups - already angered by Labour's stance on anti-Semitism - erupted in fury
JEREMY Corbyn was accused of “disturbing behaviour” last night after admitting attending a wreath-laying ceremony for a Palestinian terrorist.

The Labour leader visited a cemetery where PLO terrorists – including one involved in the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre – were buried in Tunisia in 2014.

Last night Jewish groups – already angered by Labour’s stance on anti-Semitism – erupted in fury.

Jennifer Gerber of Labour Friends of Israel – which represents 100 Labour peers and former MPs who are currently trying to be re-elected – told the Daily Telegraph: “It is almost unbelievable that any Labour MP would participate in a ceremony honouring a man involved in the vicious murder of innocent Israeli athletes.

“Unfortunately, this appears to be part of a very disturbing pattern of behaviour and we are seeking urgent clarification from the Leaders office on this matter.”

Mr Corbyn admitted attending a ceremony in Tunisia, north Africa in an article in the Communist-supporting Morning Star newspaper in October 2014.

He wrote: “After wreaths were laid at the graves of those who died on that day and on the graves of others killed by Mossad agents in 1991, we moved to the poignant statute in the main avenue of the coastal town of Ben Arous, which was festooned with Palestinian and Tunisian flags.”

Simon Johnson, chief executive of the Jewish Leadership Council, added: “It is high time that Jeremy Corbyn clarify his views regarding Palestinian terrorism.

"At first sight, attending a wreath laying ceremony for a known terrorist, who led one of the most notorious acts of international terrorism, the attack on the Munich Olympics, would appear to be beyond the pale."

Last night a spokesman for Jeremy Corbyn said: "These are an extraordinarily tenuous set of connections.

"Of course Jeremy condemns the Munich massacre."
Przykład 2 czyli związki z terrorystami z IRA:

Diane Abbott is forced to agree that Jeremy Corbyn HAS met IRA members 'in their capacity as activists in Sinn Fein' in her latest car crash interview

Labour's Jeremy Corbyn was last night interviewed by the BBC's Andrew Neil
He insisted he had not met with the IRA despite records of meetings existing
Diane Abbott defended her party leader in a disastrous radio interview today
She claimed a difference between appearing with someone and meeting them

Diane Abbott today admitted Jeremy Corbyn did meet convicted IRA bombers in her latest car crash interview.
The shadow Home Secretary claimed there was a difference between sharing a platform with terrorists and meeting them privately.
The claim will be met with incredulity by Labour's critics and came just hours after Mr Corbyn was left floundering in a TV grilling about his views on terrorism.
The Labour leader last night denied meeting with the IRA during the Troubles, despite inviting Sinn Fein chief Gerry Adams to Parliament and being arrested on a protest outside the trial of the Brighton Bomber.
Ms Abbott's latest interview disaster comes after the has repeatedly embarrassed her party during the campaign by failing to give accurate figures.
Grilled by Iain Dale on LBC, Ms Abbott said Mr Corbyn had met with Sinn Fein before adding: 'I think that his understanding is he met with someone in capacity as activist in Sinn Fein.'
Told there were records of meetings with bombers, Ms Abbott added: 'In 2005 he shared a platform with Raymond McCartney, McCartney was a member of the IRA, I could go on I've got a lot of these things here.'

In last night's Andrew Neil interview on BBC One, Mr Corbyn admitted meeting with Sinn Fein activists during the Troubles but said: 'I never met with the IRA.'
Told Mr Corbyn had lied today, Ms Abbott insisted: 'I think we have to distinguish from being on a platform with people and conducting private meetings.'
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson today condemned the senior Labour figures, just 12 days before the general election.
He said: 'Jeremy Corbyn's lies have been exposed by his own shadow home secretary.
'Just hours after Corbyn claimed he had never met the IRA, Diane Abbott says he did – and she disgracefully sought to defend it.

'It is increasingly clear that Jeremy Corbyn will make up anything in an attempt to mislead voters. He's pretending he didn't support the IRA, just like he is pretending he won't raise taxes and pretending he will replace our Trident nuclear deterrent.
'The risks of Jeremy Corbyn becoming Prime Minister, in charge of our Brexit negotiations and our security, are enormous.
'And Jeremy Corbyn would make Diane Abbott Home Secretary – putting a woman who refused to outlaw al-Qaeda and wants open door immigration in charge of our security and our borders. Only a vote for Theresa May and the Conservatives will stop this happening.'
Mr Corbyn struggled repeatedly during last night's interview with Neil.
The probing was dominated by national security just days after the Manchester bombing.
The Labour leader struggled to explain his soft stance towards the IRA in the 1980s and how he would tackle ISIS given that he has ruled out airstrikes and drone attacks against targets in Iraq and Syria.
The veteran left-winger also refused to commit to cutting immigration, and made clear he still regards Nato, the basis of Western security since the 1940s, as a 'Frankenstein' organisation.

Mr Corbyn was challenged again and again to say he supported the renewal of Trident, but declined to do so. He has previously said there are no circumstances under which he would use nuclear weapons as PM.
'I voted against the renewal, everybody knows that, because I wanted to go in a different direction. That decision has been taken, I respect that decision,' said Mr Corbyn.
He added: 'It's there in the programme, it's there in the manifesto, it will be carried out... it's the position we are adopting as a party and we will take into government.'
Mr Corbyn said the 'role' of nuclear weapons would be included in a defence review if he wins power on June 8.
Asked whether that meant he could 'ditch' the nuclear deterrent, Mr Corbyn said: 'It will look at the role of nuclear weapons.'

Mr Corbyn was torn to pieces by Neil as he tried to justify his long history of support for the IRA's cause.
The presenter said: 'You say you didn't support the IRA. But you invited convicted IRA terrorists to tea in the Commons a few weeks after the Brighton bomb which tried to destroy our elected government.
'You stood for a minute's silence to honour – your word, Mr Corbyn – honour IRA terrorists killed by the British army.

'Throughout the '80s and the '90s you spoke at scores of hard-line republican gatherings which backed the IRA and the armed struggle.
Mr Corbyn replied: 'I always wanted and always do want peace, always want a dialogue between people of vastly different backgrounds. And the minute's silence you referred to was in 1987 and it was for all who'd died in Northern Ireland.
Neil pointed out that the purpose of the meeting had in fact been to 'honour' the eight IRA terrorists that had been killed.
Mr Corbyn said: 'I said all those that have died in Northern Ireland. I made that very, very clear.'

An incredulous Neil said: 'That's it, that's the smarter way?'
Mr Corbyn said: 'Well, that's a good start for doing it.'
There was also a difficult time for Mr Corbyn when Neil raised the fact that 180 of his own MPs had voted no confidence in his leadership.
The presenter quoted MPs including John Woodcock, who previously said he would 'not not countenance ever voting to make Jeremy Corbyn Britain's Prime Minister'.
He also cited former Cabinet minister Alan Johnson's description of him as 'useless, incompetent and incapable'.
'That's the people that know you,' Neil said.
Mr Corbyn said: 'Listen, this Manifesto has been agreed by everyone in our party.'
Neil persisted: 'Why should the voters trust you when so many even of your own MPs don't trust you?'

The Labour leader said: 'Well, you could have quite easily got quotes from a number of people who would say positive things.'
Priti Patel, International Development Secretary, accused the Labour leader of trying to wriggle out of his past.
She said: 'Corbyn didn't answer a single question in that interview. He spent half an hour trying to escape from everything he had said and done in his 30 years in politics.
'The fact is he backed the IRA, doesn't support NATO, wouldn't renew Trident, wants to increase immigration and wants to massively increase taxes on working families.'
The exchanges came after Theresa May lashed out at Mr Corbyn for making 'excuses' for terrorists by linking UK foreign policy to the Manchester bombing.

The Prime Minister accused the Labour leader of saying terror attacks are 'our own fault' and condemned him for delivering the controversial speech just four days after the atrocity.
Mrs May said while she had been working with G7 leaders at a summit in Sicily, Mr Corbyn had shown he was 'not fit' to be in charge of the country.
'I want to be very clear about what has been said today,' Mrs May told a press conference at the summit.
'I have been here at the G7 working with other international leaders to fight terrorism.
'At the same time Jeremy Corbyn has said that terror attacks are our own fault.
'He has chosen to do that just a few days after one of the worst terror atrocities we have seen.'
She added: 'There can be no excuse for terrorism. There can be no excuse for what happened in Manchester.'
Narzekacie na May, a naprawdę chcielibyście, ty taki Corbyn został premierem?

Jeszcze na zagrychę o powodzie do rozwodu tego człowieka.
Okazało się, że jego żona chciała zapewnić synowi porządną edukację w prywatnej szkole, ale Corbyn się uparł, żeby jego dziecko chodziło do jednej z najgorszych szkół w swoim councilu. Równość to równość, więc bogaci nie powinni przecież się wywyższać i żyć jak biedota, która nie ma wyjścia.

[ Ostatnio edytowany przez: ChrisCov 30-05-2017 17:40 ]

A very unrealistic man who thinks his ass is like wine - the older the better

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