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Post #1 Ocena: 0

2011-01-11 23:48:58 (13 lat temu)


Posty: 973


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Z nami od: 05-09-2009

Skąd: glasgow

Mozna kogos zamknac za awantury, ublizanie, za rekoczyny, lub ich probe..., stad tez trzeba sie wyniesc.Sad nie moze dopuscic, zeby agresor wracal pod ten sam dach, z ktorego trafil do aresztu.
Dopoki wyrok nie zapadnie?Taka decyzja zapada w dniu nastepnym, lub jeszcze tego samego dnia-a to juz zalezy o ktorej godzinie zwinie delikwenta policja.Tutaj nikt nie mowi o problemie z rentem...tylko o niebezpiecznym czlowieku pod jednym dachem.Wyrok za bitke, grozby nastepuje pozniej, o czym przypomina delkiwentowi sad, adwokat wysylajac pisemko na podany, nowy adres.

[ Ostatnio edytowany przez: elizaglasgow 11-01-2011 23:50 ]

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Post #2 Ocena: 0

2011-01-11 23:52:45 (13 lat temu)


Posty: n/a

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Dopoki wyrok nie zapadnie?Taka decyzja zapada w dniu nastepnym, lub jeszcze tego samego dnia-a to juz zalezy o ktorej godzinie zwinie delikwenta policja.

To zalezy, czy "delikwent" sie przyznaje do winy, czy nie. Zaden sad nie zorganizuje procesu z przesluchaniem stron w tym samym albo w nastepnym dniu.

Tak dla jasnosci tylko....

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Post #3 Ocena: 0

2011-01-11 23:56:29 (13 lat temu)


Posty: 973


Konto zablokowane

Z nami od: 05-09-2009

Skąd: glasgow


2011-01-11 23:37:21, Adacymru napisał(a):
On musialby przedstawic dokument, mowiacy, ze odtad bedzie mieszkal pod podanym adresem, dopoki tego nie doniesie, sad nie wyda zgody na opuszczenie aresztu.

Zeby zatrzymac w areszcie sad musi miec odpowiednie podstawy, samo bycie bezdomnym nie jest niezgodne z prawem, i nie jest podstawa do zatrzymania w areszcie. Ryzyko zagrozenia zycia/zdrowia ofiary (czesto potwierdzone powtornymi interwencjami), poprzednie ignorowanie wezwan do sadu, realne ryzyko popelnienia przestepstwa podczas warunkowego zwolnienia, to jedne z kryteriow zatrzymania w areszcie, sad nie moze tak na swoje "widzi mi sie, ze..." zatrzymac.

Sad musi miec pewnosc, ze czlowiek nie wroci tam, skad go zabrala policja, za bitke, ublizanie, grozenie, bo o tym mowa.Nie wypusci z aresztu, dopoki nie dowie sie gdzie delikwent bedzie przebywal, bo o tym mowilam...!

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Post #4 Ocena: 0

2011-01-11 23:59:18 (13 lat temu)


Posty: 1342


Z nami od: 20-09-2009

Skąd: Manchester

Adacymru - jestes jak swiezy powiew rozsadku i zdrowych zmyslow w tej dyskusji :-)

Zaden sad, zadna sprawa. Najpierw dostanie zwykle ostrzezenia od policji, no chyba ze zacznie z nozem latac za reszta domownikow. Za zwykle awantury nie zamykaja ludzi...

[ Ostatnio edytowany przez: Malahai1983 12-01-2011 00:00 ]

'Boze chron mnie przed przyjaciolmi, bo z wrogami sam sobie poradze'

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Post #5 Ocena: 0

2011-01-12 00:02:31 (13 lat temu)


Posty: 973


Konto zablokowane

Z nami od: 05-09-2009

Skąd: glasgow sprawie, na ktorej delikwent slyszy zarzuty, czyli po doprowadzeniu go z aresztu dowiaduje sie, ze musi podac adres, pod ktorym sie tej samej sprawie...dowiaduje sie kiedy nastapi sprawa sadowa dot.zarzutow...
Tak dla jasnosci...Dopoki nie poda, nie zostanie wypuszczony.Takie sytuacje czesto zdarzaja sie w domu, w ktorym przemoc domowa jest na porzadku dziennym...dopoki oprawca nie poda gdzie sie zatrzyma, nie wyjdzie z aresztu, otrzymuje tez zakaz zblizania sie...automatycznie, na sprawie, na ktorej slyszy zarzuty.

[ Ostatnio edytowany przez: elizaglasgow 12-01-2011 00:04 ]

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Post #6 Ocena: 0

2011-01-12 00:05:17 (13 lat temu)


Posty: 1342


Z nami od: 20-09-2009

Skąd: Manchester


2011-01-12 00:02:31, elizaglasgow napisał(a): sprawie, na ktorej delikwent slyszy zarzuty, czyli po doprowadzeniu go z aresztu dowiaduje sie, ze musi podac adres, pod ktorym sie tej samej sprawie...dowiaduje sie kiedy nastapi sprawa sadowa dot.zarzutow...
Tak dla jasnosci...Dopoki nie poda, nie zostanie wypuszczony.Takie sytuacje czesto zdarzaja sie w domu, w ktorym przemoc domowa jest na porzadku dziennym...dopoki oprawca nie poda gdzie sie zatrzyma, nie wyjdzie z aresztu, otrzymuje tez zakaz blizania sie...automatycznie, na sprawie, na ktorej slyszy zarzuty.

Przepraszam, ale poplakalem sie ze smiechu!

Mamy polowe stycznia a ja juz mam swoje kandydature na najbardziej debilna dyskusje roku :-]:-]:-]
'Boze chron mnie przed przyjaciolmi, bo z wrogami sam sobie poradze'

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Post #7 Ocena: 0

2011-01-12 00:05:45 (13 lat temu)


Posty: 27


Z nami od: 11-01-2011

Skąd: luton

No to teraz dodam tylko ze 19 napisze jak się sprawa zakończyła o ile się zakończy oczywiście! pozdrawiam

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Post #8 Ocena: 0

2011-01-12 00:05:57 (13 lat temu)


Posty: 973


Konto zablokowane

Z nami od: 05-09-2009

Skąd: glasgow

Nie dostanie pouczenia, jak ja zglosze oficjalna skarge.Zamyka sie za awantury, rekoczyny i grozby.

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Post #9 Ocena: 0

2011-01-12 00:12:00 (13 lat temu)


Posty: 9724


Z nami od: 29-08-2007


Myslalam, ze nic mnie nie zdziwi czytajac forum, alez bylam w bledzie.
Jak 2 dni temu dziewczyna zalozyla temat, ze wyrzucono ja z domu i ma problem z odzyskaniem rzeczy, to wszyscy rzucili sie ze wspolczuciem.
Teraz jak chca sie pozbyc lokatora, to leca porady typu sprowokowac awanture, zadzwonic po policje, a noz zostanie aresztowany i wtedfy bedzie musial sie przeniesc.

Punkt widzenia zmienia sie wraz z punktem siedzenia.
Przepraszam za off ten tego no.

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Post #10 Ocena: 0

2011-01-12 00:17:37 (13 lat temu)


Posty: 973


Konto zablokowane

Z nami od: 05-09-2009

Skąd: glasgow

Although hopefully this will never happen to you, very occasionally lodger landlords will need to evict their lodger. Todays tips give guidance on this.

Caution – todays tip only applies to lodger landlords who share living accommodation with their lodgers.
The guidance given here regarding eviction, will *only* be applicable to landlords with lodgers living in their own home where at least some living space (e.g. kitchen, bathroom, sitting room – and preferably more than one room) are shared with the lodger (this is explained on day 1).

If your lodger only uses his own room, and in practice does not use any of the rooms used by you, the advice here will not apply to you and you should take legal advice.

Note also that the property must have been your main residence for the whole of the time the lodger has been living there.

If you use the procedure set out here in circumstances where you are not entitled to, you will be committing the criminal offence of unlawful eviction. You may also be at risk of being sued for financial compensation, and/or an injunction ordering you to let him back in again.

Notice to quit
Before following the information given in this tip, you must have given your lodger formal notice to leave. This was discussed on Day 19. The effect of this will be to end your lodgers legal right to live in the property.

If your lodger refuses to go
In most cases, your lodger will leave as asked on or before the day given in the notice you have given him. However in a few cases (and this happens only *very* rarely) your lodger may refuse to move out. If this happens, consider first the following options:

If your lodger is a student, complaining to his university or college may help. Or have a word with the accommodation office.
If your lodger came to you via the HR Department of a local employer talk to them about it.
Have a look at the lodgers application form (see Day 11). If there are any next of kin, consider contacting them to see if they can help.
However if none of this helps, you may have no option but to proceed to eviction.

If you have a lodger who refuses to go, you can follow the procedure below. Note that save in cases of exceptional bad behaviour (preferably where you have reported matters to the police), you should not use this procedure unless you have given your lodger at least 28 days formal notice to leave. In all cases, at least one letter giving notice to vacate *must* have been given to the lodger, and the notice period must have expired.

Where you are evicting your lodger for violent or criminal behaviour, you should make sure you will be able to prove this if it is ever challenged by your lodger. This is why getting the police involved when there are incidents, as suggested on Day 19, is a recommended. Keeping a diary of events is another good idea.

1. On or shortly before the day the lodger is supposed to move out, ask him when he will be leaving. If he asks for just a day or two longer, you should normally agree to this, particularly if there is a genuine reason for his request (e.g. if he cannot move into his new accommodation immediately). Otherwise, proceed as follows.

2. Arrange for the locks on your property to be changed at a time when your lodger is likely to be out for some time. (It is probably best not to warn your lodger of this beforehand in case he decides to stay in the property to prevent you doing it).

3. When you lodger returns, refuse to let him in. If you think that he is likely to cause trouble, arrange for the police to be present (it may be a good idea to arrange for this anyway). The police should attend if you tell them that you expect there to be a breach of the peace. If the police will not attend, make sure that you have someone else with you, to act as an independent witness.

If the police are not there and your lodger starts causing trouble, do not open the door (or shut the door before he gets in). Ring the police and ask them to come out immediately. Do not let the lodger back into the property.

It is very important that you use no force or violence whatsoever when evicting your lodger. If you do, this will put you in breach of the law yourself, and you will be vulnerable to being arrested and prosecuted by the police. This is why a passive eviction process of refusing to allow him back in is recommended. If your lodger attacks you, you can defend yourself, but you should be careful to avoid any situation where this can happen (e.g. don’t open the door). This is why having a Police presence is so important, as if your lodger becomes violent, they can deal with it for you.

4. Your lodger will be entitled to have his possessions returned to him. However, in most cases he should only be allowed back into your property (e.g. to pack) if there is police presence.

5. Under no circumstances should you or anyone in your house let the lodger in again after this. If he continues to cause problems, consider going to a solicitor and asking for an injunction. However it is most unlikely that this will be necessary. In most cases the lodger will accept the situation, particularly if the police have been involved.

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